Epic Cardio Challenge

Light/Medium Weight

AMRAP 20 minutes

Objective: Don’t set the bell down during the set…

10/10x Single-handed Swings
10/10x High Pulls
10/10x Half Snatches
20x Goblet Squat
10/10x Dead Clean & Press
10/10x Bob & Weave
10/10x Alternating Swing
10/10x Reverse Lunge & Press
20x Two-handed Swings
20x Goblet Thruster

Credit: kettlebellsworkouts.com


Now read this

I don’t have two kettlebells of the same weight

I have a lot of double kettlebell workouts, but I don’t have any kettlebells that are the same weight. So what do I do? I train with offset weights. Depending on the exercise I might do 20kg/16kg then I just make sure to switch weights... Continue →