I don’t have two kettlebells of the same weight

I have a lot of double kettlebell workouts, but I don’t have any kettlebells that are the same weight. So what do I do?

I train with offset weights. Depending on the exercise I might do 20kg/16kg then I just make sure to switch weights each round so that each side gets the same workout.

Offset makes me think harder about what I’m doing, paying attention to my movements and the imbalances. It also makes me push harder knowing that I can’t just do 3 reps and stop, I have to even things out.

The google robots say this about offset weight training:

Improves balance and coordination: Offset training can help improve balance and motor control.

Increases core strength: Offset training can help build a strong core and improve stability.

Corrects imbalances: Offset training can help address imbalances and asymmetries by targeting specific muscles.

Improves athleticism: Offset training can help improve athleticism without sacrificing strength or explosiveness.

Increases neuromuscular stimulus: Offset training can increase neuromuscular stimulus.

Increases torque management: Offset training can help improve torque management.

Increases proprioceptive demand: Offset training can increase proprioceptive demand.

Practical for everyday life: Offset training can be applied to everyday life and sports.
